The Pestsense website was developed and revised cooperatively by the following contributors from Washington State University and other institutions:
Ms. Rebecca Maguire is the project leader for the Pestsense database and website, reviewed fact sheets, and contributed IPM management recommendations. Extension Coordinator, WSU Puyallup.
Ms. Karen Fung developed the new Pestsense database and web application. CAHNRS, WSU Pullman.
Mr. Jim Boyer provide consultation on the Pestsense project. Information Systems Manager, WSU Pullman.
Dr. Arthur Antonelli contributed images, reviewed technical information, and made IPM recommendations. Extension Entomology Emeritus, WSU Puyallup.
Ms. Carrie Foss provided support for the Pestsense database and website as part of the WSU Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education Program. Urban IPM Director, WSU Puyallup.
Dr. Catherine Daniels supervises the pesticide label review. Pesticide Coordinator, WSU Puyallup.
Ms. Lenora Jones helped write the fact sheets and revised and updated the database. Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education, WSU Puyallup.
Several images from the collection of the late Dr. Ken Gray were contributed for the fact sheets. Former Entomologist, Oregon State University.