WSU Extension


Pavement ants

(revision date: 6/26/2023)

Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for successful pest management.

Pavement ants are becoming more common as a nuisance ant pest in the Pacific Northwest. This small ant measures about 1/8 inch or a little less in length. Body colors range from light brown to darker browns and blacks while the appendages are lighter in color. These ants have a stinger but are rarely aggressive against humans. They feed on a wide variety of foods including insects, honeydew, pollen, plant sap, meats, grease, nuts, cheese, bread, and honey. Nests can be found in exposed soil under stones or pavement, in rotting wood, and sometimes in homes. Reproductive swarms can occur throughout the year but are most common in June and July.
Management Options

Non-Chemical Management
  • Use a wet, soapy sponge to remove ants inside the house.
  • Seal up any entryways.
  • Sanitation is important. Clean up food and water sources including pet food and garbage.
  • Keep vegetation away from structure.
  • Since these ants are common in our soils and nest anywhere they want they can be difficult to manage.
Select non-chemical management options as your first choice!

Chemical Management

If the pavement ant nest is found, directly treating the nest can be effective. Baiting may also work.

If you choose to use a pesticide, some examples of products that are legal in Washington are listed below. Some products are labeled for just INDOOR or just OUTDOOR use, or may allow both uses. Be sure to choose a product appropriate for your situation. Always read and follow all label directions.
  • Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer Conc
    Active ingredient: permethrin  |  EPA reg no: 4-349
  • Combat MAX Ant Killing Gel
    Active ingredient: fipronil  |  EPA reg no: 64240-42
  • This list may not include all products registered for this use.
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Caption: pavement ant workers
Photo by: J.R. Glass
Caption: Pavement ant lifecycle
Photo by: Whitney Cranshaw, CSU,